Hidden Facts

Interestingly, the presence of toxic substances were not confined to toys and kids products. House-hold products, pvc products used for interior furnishing and plumbing, etc, all come in the list. With the use of imported PVC products rapidly increasing in our day to day lives, its a question that how safe is the water we drink or the air we breath under a PVC false ceiling.

Statistics reveal a hidden agenda behind the entire scenario. The presence of toxins and hazardous substances are not simply accidental. 

Back in June 2007, The New York Time reported about a state-owned company in China exporting diethylene glycol, a syrupy poison, used in some antifreeze, as safe pharmaceutical-grade glycerin. Eventually, the US had been importing a lot of Chinese glycerin, which is used in ingested products such as toothpaste. A decare later, Chinese-made diethylene glycol was mixxed into medicine that killed at least 100 people in Panama. Chinese tooth paste containing that toxin was found in the US and seven other countries.

Cheep, in price and in quality !

Toxins Undercover !

The w*r is no more confined to g*n fires at the borders. It is happening in your homes... even at this moment, while your child is playing with toys with a 'Made in China' stamp on it !

Reports state that toys and other children's products from China, contain toxic substances, dangerously harmful for kids. The Greenpeace-IPEN study measured toxic metals in 500 children's products from China. The products ranged from school supplies to clothing to popular products for young children. Some were plastic, some were made of wood, and others included metal parts and jewelry. As far as we know this was the first available large-scale investigation of toxic metals in children's products in China.

The results showed that one-third of tested products contained at least one toxic metal at levels of concern, increasing the possibility of harm. None of the tainted products contained warning labels to inform consumers about their toxic ingredients. The toys that tested positive for heavy metals, including lead, were found in every category of product, no matter whether it was branded or non-branded, cheap or expensive. In short, no matter who or where you buy your toy from in China, there is a possibility that a toxic metal is present.